Deprecation Policy

Skaffold deprecation policy

This document sets out the deprecation policy for Skaffold, and outlines how the Skaffold project will approach the introduction of breaking changes over time.

Deprecation policy applies only to Stable Builds. Bleeding Edge builds may have less stable implementations.

Deprecations to a flag or CLI command require the following notification periods, depending on the release track:

Release Track Deprecation Period
Alpha (experimental) 0 releases
Beta (pre-release) 3 months or 1 release (whichever is longer)
GA (generally available) 6 months or 1 release (whichever is longer)

Breaking changes A breaking change is when the primary functionality of a feature changes in a way that the user has to make changes to their workflows/configuration. - Breaking config change: In case of Skaffold’s pipeline config (skaffold.yaml) a breaking change between an old and new version occurs when the skaffold binary cannot parse the input yaml with auto-upgrade. This can happen when the new version removes a feature or when the new version introduces a mandatory field with no default value - Breaking functional change: functional changes that force user workflow changes even when the config is the same or upgradeable.

How do we deprecate things?

A “deprecation event” would coincide with a release.

  1. We document the deprecation in the following places if applicable

    1. deprecation policy - this document
    2. Document on this site changes in relevant sections
    3. Release notes
    4. Command help
    5. Log messages
    6. skaffold yaml reference
  2. if applicable, inspired by the Kubernetes policy: > Rule #6: Deprecated CLI elements must emit warnings (optionally disable) when used.

Current maturity of skaffold

Skaffold and its features are considered Beta unless specified (in this document, CLI reference, config YAML reference or in docs in
Skaffold is constantly evolving with the tools space, we want to be able to experiment and sometimes change things. In order to be transparent about the maturity of feature areas and things that might change we offer the feature level maturity matrix that we keep up to date.

Skaffold.yaml (pipeline config)

The pipeline config, i.e. skaffold.yaml is beta.

This means that you can safely depend on the skaffold config with the assumption that skaffold will auto-upgrade to the latest version:

  • Removal and non-upgradable changes are subject to the deprecation policy for all (even new) features under the config.
  • Auto-upgradable changes are not considered breaking changes.

Skaffold features

We are committed to design for auto-upgradeable changes in the config. However the behavior of individual component might suffer breaking changes depending on maturity.

The following is the maturity of the larger feature areas:

area state description
Build beta Build images based on multiple build tools in a configurable way
Control API alpha Applications can control sync, build and deployment during instead of automated sync, build and deploy
Debug alpha Language-aware reconfiguration of containers on the fly to become debuggable
Default-repo alpha specify a default image repository & rewrite image names to default repo
Delete beta delete everything deployed by skaffold run from the cluster
Deploy beta Deploy a set of deployables as your applications and replace the image name with the built images
Dev beta Continuous development
Diagnose beta Diagnose the current project and its configuration
Event API v1 alpha Publish events and state of the application on gRPC and HTTP
Filesync alpha Instead of rebuilding, copy the changed files in the running container
Global config alpha store user preferences in a separate preferences file
Init alpha Initialize a skaffold.yaml file based on the contents of the current directory
Insecure registry handling alpha Target registries for built images which are not secure
Port-forwarding alpha Port forward application to localhost
Profiles beta Create different pipeline configurations based on overrides and patches defined in one or more profiles
skaffold build beta run skaffold build separately
skaffold fix beta Upgrade an older skaffold config to the current version
skaffold run beta One-off build & deployment of the skaffold application
Tagpolicy beta Automated tagging
Test alpha Run tests as part of your pipeline
Trigger alpha Feature area: Trigger configured actions when source files change
version beta get the version string of the current skaffold binary
Templating alpha certain fields of skaffold.yaml can be parametrized with environment and built-in variables

Within a feature area we do have certain features that are expected to change:

area feature state description
Debug debug python apps alpha debug python apps
Debug debug node apps alpha debug node apps
Debug debug java apps alpha debug java apps
Default-repo preconcatentation strategy beta collision free rewriting strategy
Tagpolicy latest tagger alpha tag with latest, use image digest / image ID for deployment
Tagpolicy contentDigest tagger alpha reintroduce DIGEST and content based digest tag
Filesync sync.infer alpha mark files as “syncable” - infer the destinations based on the Dockerfile
Init json based alpha skaffold init JSON based API for IDE integrations
Init interactive alpha skaffold init interactive for CLI users
Init init for k8s manifests alpha skaffold init recognizes k8s manifest and the image names in them
Init init for Dockerfiles alpha skaffold init recognizes Dockerfiles


No policy can cover every possible situation. This policy is a living document, and will evolve over time. In practice, there will be situations that do not fit neatly into this policy, or for which this policy becomes a serious impediment. Examples could be getting fixes fast for a serious vulnerability, a destructive bug or requirements that might be imposed by third parties (such as legal requirements). Such situations should be discussed on the given bugs / feature requests and during Skaffold Office Hours, always bearing in mind that Skaffold is committed to being a stable system that, as much as possible, never breaks users. Exceptions will always be announced in all relevant release notes.

Current deprecation notices

10/21/2019: With release v0.41.0 we mark for deprecation the $IMAGES environment variable passed to custom builders. Variable $IMAGE should be used instead. This environment variable flag will be removed no earlier than 01/21/2020.

Past deprecation notices

03/15/2019: With release v0.25.0 we mark for deprecation the flags field in kaniko (KanikoArtifact.AdditionalFlags) , instead Kaniko’s additional flags will now be represented as unique fields under kaniko per artifact (KanikoArtifact type). This flag will will be removed earliest 06/15/2019.

02/15/2019: With release v0.23.0 we mark for deprecation the following env variables in the envTemplate tagger: - DIGEST - DIGEST_ALGO - DIGEST_HEX Currently these variables resolve to _DEPRECATED_<envvar>_, and the new tagging mechanism adds a digest to the image name thus it shouldn’t break existing configurations. This backward compatibility behavior will be removed earliest 05/14/2019.

Last modified October 7, 2019: Rework splash page (ee3710b)