Fast. Repeatable. Simple.
Local Kubernetes Development.
Skaffold handles the workflow for building, pushing and deploying your application, allowing you to focus on what matters most:writing code.
An open source project from Google.


Skaffold is client-side only. With no on-cluster component, there is no overhead or maintenance burden to your cluster.

Works Everywhere

Skaffold is the easiest way to share your project with the world: 'git clone', then 'skaffold run'.

Additionally, you can use profiles, local user config, environment variables, and flags to easily incorporate differences across environments.

Feature Rich

Skaffold has many essential features for Kubernetes-native development, including policy-based image tagging, resource port-forwarding and logging, file syncing, and much more.

Optimized Development

Skaffold's inner loop is tight and highly optimized, giving you instant feedback while developing.

"When we evaluated what workflows we could use with Kubernetes, Skaffold stood out as a tool we'd want for both development and deployment. It gives us a common entry point across applications that we can also reuse for CI/CD. Right now, all of our CI/CD pipelines for Kubernetes applications use Skaffold when building and deploying."

"ForgeRock made a strategic decision in 2016 to deliver our Identity and Access Management platform on Kubernetes. Our customers love the strategy, but consistently gave us feedback that developing on Kubernetes was cumbersome. Skaffold hit the mark in addressing this problem. Changes to a docker image or a configuration that previously took several minutes to deploy now take seconds. Skaffold's plugin architecture gives us the ability to deploy to Helm or Kustomize, and to use various docker build plugins such as Kaniko. Skaffold replaced our bespoke collection of utilities and scripts with a streamlined tool that is easy to use."

"Skaffold is an amazing tool that simplified development and delivery for us. Skaffold hit our sweet spot by covering two dimensions: First, the entire development cycle from local development, integration testing to delivery. Second, Skaffold enabled us to develop independent of the platform on Linux, OSX and Windows with no platform specific logic required."