Skaffold command-line interface provides the following commands:
End-to-end pipelines:
- skaffold run - to build & deploy once
- skaffold dev - to trigger the watch loop build & deploy workflow with cleanup on exit
Pipeline building blocks for CI/CD:
- skaffold build - to just build and tag your image(s)
- skaffold deploy - to deploy the given image(s)
- skaffold delete - to cleanup the deployed artifacts
- skaffold render - build and tag images, and output templated Kubernetes manifests
Getting started with a new project:
- skaffold init - to bootstrap Skaffold config
- skaffold fix - to upgrade from
Other Commands:
- skaffold help - print help
- skaffold version - get Skaffold version
- skaffold completion - setup tab completion for the CLI
- skaffold config - manage context specific parameters
- skaffold diagnose - diagnostics of Skaffold works in your project
Global flags
Flag | Description |
-h, --help |
Prints the HELP file for the current command. |
-v, --verbosity LOG-LEVEL |
Uses a specific log level. Available log levels are info , warn , error , fatal , debug and trace . Default value is warn . |
Global environment variables
Flag | Description |
Enables checking for latest version of the Skaffold binary. By default it’s true . |
Skaffold commands
End-to-end pipelines:
run Run a pipeline
dev Run a pipeline in development mode
debug Run a pipeline in debug mode
Pipeline building blocks for CI/CD:
build Build the artifacts
deploy Deploy pre-built artifacts
delete Delete the deployed application
render Perform all image builds, and output rendered Kubernetes manifests
Getting started with a new project:
init Generate configuration for deploying an application
fix Update old configuration to newest schema version
Other Commands:
completion Output shell completion for the given shell (bash or zsh)
config Interact with the Skaffold configuration
diagnose Run a diagnostic on Skaffold
version Print the version information
Use "skaffold <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--color
(same as--verbosity
skaffold build
Build the artifacts
# Build all the artifacts
skaffold build
# Build artifacts with a profile activated
skaffold build -p <profile>
# Build artifacts whose image name contains <db>
skaffold build -b <db>
# Quietly build artifacts and output the image names as json
skaffold build -q > build_result.json
# Build the artifacts and then deploy them
skaffold build -q > skaffold deploy
-b, --build-image=[]: Choose which artifacts to build. Artifacts with image names that contain the expression will be built only. Default is to build sources for all artifacts
--cache-artifacts=true: Set to false to disable default caching of artifacts
--cache-file='': Specify the location of the cache file (default $HOME/.skaffold/cache)
-c, --config='': File for global configurations (defaults to $HOME/.skaffold/config)
-d, --default-repo='': Default repository value (overrides global config)
--enable-rpc=false: Enable gRPC for exposing Skaffold events (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
--file-output='': Filename to write build images to
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--insecure-registry=[]: Target registries for built images which are not secure
--kube-context='': Deploy to this Kubernetes context
-n, --namespace='': Run deployments in the specified namespace
-o, --output={{json .}}: Used in conjunction with --quiet flag. Format output with go-template. For full struct documentation, see
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
-q, --quiet=false: Suppress the build output and print image built on success. See --output to format output.
--rpc-http-port=50052: tcp port to expose event REST API over HTTP
--rpc-port=50051: tcp port to expose event API
--skip-tests=false: Whether to skip the tests after building
--toot=false: Emit a terminal beep after the deploy is complete
skaffold build [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--build-image
(same as--cache-artifacts
(same as--cache-file
(same as--config
(same as--default-repo
(same as--enable-rpc
(same as--file-output
(same as--filename
(same as--insecure-registry
(same as--kube-context
(same as--namespace
(same as--output
(same as--profile
(same as--quiet
(same as--rpc-http-port
(same as--rpc-port
(same as--skip-tests
(same as--toot
skaffold completion
Output shell completion for the given shell (bash or zsh)
skaffold completion SHELL [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
skaffold config
Interact with the Skaffold configuration
Available Commands:
list List all values set in the global Skaffold config
set Set a value in the global Skaffold config
unset Unset a value in the global Skaffold config
Use "skaffold <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
skaffold config list
List all values set in the global Skaffold config
-a, --all=false: Show values for all kubecontexts
-c, --config='': Path to Skaffold config
-k, --kube-context='': Kubectl context to set values against
skaffold config list [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--all
(same as--config
(same as--kube-context
skaffold config set
Set a value in the global Skaffold config
# Mark a registry as insecure
skaffold config set insecure-registries <>
# Globally set the default image repository
skaffold config set default-repo <myrepo>
# Disable pushing images for a given Kubernetes context
skaffold config set --kube-context <mycluster> local-cluster true
-c, --config='': Path to Skaffold config
-g, --global=false: Set value for global config
-k, --kube-context='': Kubectl context to set values against
skaffold config set [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--config
(same as--global
(same as--kube-context
skaffold config unset
Unset a value in the global Skaffold config
-c, --config='': Path to Skaffold config
-g, --global=false: Set value for global config
-k, --kube-context='': Kubectl context to set values against
skaffold config unset [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--config
(same as--global
(same as--kube-context
skaffold debug
Run a pipeline in debug mode
--cache-artifacts=true: Set to false to disable default caching of artifacts
--cache-file='': Specify the location of the cache file (default $HOME/.skaffold/cache)
--cleanup=true: Delete deployments after dev or debug mode is interrupted
-c, --config='': File for global configurations (defaults to $HOME/.skaffold/config)
-d, --default-repo='': Default repository value (overrides global config)
--enable-rpc=false: Enable gRPC for exposing Skaffold events (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--force=false: Recreate Kubernetes resources if necessary for deployment, warning: might cause downtime! (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
--insecure-registry=[]: Target registries for built images which are not secure
--kube-context='': Deploy to this Kubernetes context
-l, --label=[]: Add custom labels to deployed objects. Set multiple times for multiple labels
-n, --namespace='': Run deployments in the specified namespace
--no-prune=false: Skip removing images and containers built by Skaffold
--no-prune-children=false: Skip removing layers reused by Skaffold
--port-forward=false: Port-forward exposed container ports within pods
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
--rpc-http-port=50052: tcp port to expose event REST API over HTTP
--rpc-port=50051: tcp port to expose event API
--skip-tests=false: Whether to skip the tests after building
--tail=true: Stream logs from deployed objects
--toot=false: Emit a terminal beep after the deploy is complete
skaffold debug [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--cache-artifacts
(same as--cache-file
(same as--cleanup
(same as--config
(same as--default-repo
(same as--enable-rpc
(same as--filename
(same as--force
(same as--insecure-registry
(same as--kube-context
(same as--label
(same as--namespace
(same as--no-prune
(same as--no-prune-children
(same as--port-forward
(same as--profile
(same as--rpc-http-port
(same as--rpc-port
(same as--skip-tests
(same as--tail
(same as--toot
skaffold delete
Delete the deployed application
-c, --config='': File for global configurations (defaults to $HOME/.skaffold/config)
-d, --default-repo='': Default repository value (overrides global config)
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--kube-context='': Deploy to this Kubernetes context
-n, --namespace='': Run deployments in the specified namespace
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
skaffold delete [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--config
(same as--default-repo
(same as--filename
(same as--kube-context
(same as--namespace
(same as--profile
skaffold deploy
Deploy pre-built artifacts
-a, --build-artifacts=: Filepath containing build output.
E.g. build.out created by running skaffold build --quiet -o "{{json .}}" > build.out
-c, --config='': File for global configurations (defaults to $HOME/.skaffold/config)
-d, --default-repo='': Default repository value (overrides global config)
--enable-rpc=false: Enable gRPC for exposing Skaffold events (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--force=false: Recreate Kubernetes resources if necessary for deployment, warning: might cause downtime! (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
-i, --images=: A list of pre-built images to deploy
--kube-context='': Deploy to this Kubernetes context
-l, --label=[]: Add custom labels to deployed objects. Set multiple times for multiple labels
-n, --namespace='': Run deployments in the specified namespace
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
--rpc-http-port=50052: tcp port to expose event REST API over HTTP
--rpc-port=50051: tcp port to expose event API
--tail=false: Stream logs from deployed objects (default false)
--toot=false: Emit a terminal beep after the deploy is complete
skaffold deploy [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--build-artifacts
(same as--config
(same as--default-repo
(same as--enable-rpc
(same as--filename
(same as--force
(same as--images
(same as--kube-context
(same as--label
(same as--namespace
(same as--profile
(same as--rpc-http-port
(same as--rpc-port
(same as--tail
(same as--toot
skaffold dev
Run a pipeline in development mode
--cache-artifacts=true: Set to false to disable default caching of artifacts
--cache-file='': Specify the location of the cache file (default $HOME/.skaffold/cache)
--cleanup=true: Delete deployments after dev or debug mode is interrupted
-c, --config='': File for global configurations (defaults to $HOME/.skaffold/config)
-d, --default-repo='': Default repository value (overrides global config)
--enable-rpc=false: Enable gRPC for exposing Skaffold events (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--force=false: Recreate Kubernetes resources if necessary for deployment, warning: might cause downtime! (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
--insecure-registry=[]: Target registries for built images which are not secure
--kube-context='': Deploy to this Kubernetes context
-l, --label=[]: Add custom labels to deployed objects. Set multiple times for multiple labels
-n, --namespace='': Run deployments in the specified namespace
--no-prune=false: Skip removing images and containers built by Skaffold
--no-prune-children=false: Skip removing layers reused by Skaffold
--port-forward=false: Port-forward exposed container ports within pods
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
--render-only=false: Print rendered Kubernetes manifests instead of deploying them
--rpc-http-port=50052: tcp port to expose event REST API over HTTP
--rpc-port=50051: tcp port to expose event API
--skip-tests=false: Whether to skip the tests after building
--tail=true: Stream logs from deployed objects
--toot=false: Emit a terminal beep after the deploy is complete
--trigger='notify': How is change detection triggered? (polling, notify, or manual)
-w, --watch-image=[]: Choose which artifacts to watch. Artifacts with image names that contain the expression will be watched only. Default is to watch sources for all artifacts
-i, --watch-poll-interval=1000: Interval (in ms) between two checks for file changes
skaffold dev [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--cache-artifacts
(same as--cache-file
(same as--cleanup
(same as--config
(same as--default-repo
(same as--enable-rpc
(same as--filename
(same as--force
(same as--insecure-registry
(same as--kube-context
(same as--label
(same as--namespace
(same as--no-prune
(same as--no-prune-children
(same as--port-forward
(same as--profile
(same as--render-only
(same as--rpc-http-port
(same as--rpc-port
(same as--skip-tests
(same as--tail
(same as--toot
(same as--trigger
(same as--watch-image
(same as--watch-poll-interval
skaffold diagnose
Run a diagnostic on Skaffold
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
skaffold diagnose [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--filename
(same as--profile
skaffold fix
Update old configuration to newest schema version
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--overwrite=false: Overwrite original config with fixed config
skaffold fix [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--filename
(same as--overwrite
skaffold init
Generate configuration for deploying an application
--analyze=false: Print all discoverable Dockerfiles and images in JSON format to stdout
-a, --artifact=[]: '='-delimited Dockerfile/image pair, or JSON string, to generate build artifact
(example: --artifact='{"builder":"Docker","payload":{"path":"/web/Dockerfile.web"},"image":""}')
--compose-file='': Initialize from a docker-compose file
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--force=false: Force the generation of the Skaffold config
--skip-build=false: Skip generating build artifacts in Skaffold config
skaffold init [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--analyze
(same as--artifact
(same as--compose-file
(same as--filename
(same as--force
(same as--skip-build
skaffold options
The following options can be passed to any command:
--color=34: Specify the default output color in ANSI escape codes
-v, --verbosity='warning': Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
skaffold render
Perform all image builds, and output rendered Kubernetes manifests
-d, --default-repo='': Default repository value (overrides global config)
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--loud=false: Show the build logs and output
-n, --namespace='': Run deployments in the specified namespace
--output='': file to write rendered manifests to
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
skaffold render [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--default-repo
(same as--filename
(same as--loud
(same as--namespace
(same as--output
(same as--profile
skaffold run
Run a pipeline
# Build, test, deploy and tail the logs
skaffold run --tail
# Run with a given profile
skaffold run -p <profile>
--cache-artifacts=true: Set to false to disable default caching of artifacts
--cache-file='': Specify the location of the cache file (default $HOME/.skaffold/cache)
--cleanup=true: Delete deployments after dev or debug mode is interrupted
-c, --config='': File for global configurations (defaults to $HOME/.skaffold/config)
-d, --default-repo='': Default repository value (overrides global config)
--enable-rpc=false: Enable gRPC for exposing Skaffold events (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
-f, --filename='skaffold.yaml': Filename or URL to the pipeline file
--force=false: Recreate Kubernetes resources if necessary for deployment, warning: might cause downtime! (true by default for `skaffold dev`)
--insecure-registry=[]: Target registries for built images which are not secure
--kube-context='': Deploy to this Kubernetes context
-l, --label=[]: Add custom labels to deployed objects. Set multiple times for multiple labels
-n, --namespace='': Run deployments in the specified namespace
--no-prune=false: Skip removing images and containers built by Skaffold
--no-prune-children=false: Skip removing layers reused by Skaffold
-p, --profile=[]: Activate profiles by name
--render-only=false: Print rendered Kubernetes manifests instead of deploying them
--rpc-http-port=50052: tcp port to expose event REST API over HTTP
--rpc-port=50051: tcp port to expose event API
--skip-tests=false: Whether to skip the tests after building
-t, --tag='': The optional custom tag to use for images which overrides the current Tagger configuration
--tail=false: Stream logs from deployed objects (default false)
--toot=false: Emit a terminal beep after the deploy is complete
skaffold run [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--cache-artifacts
(same as--cache-file
(same as--cleanup
(same as--config
(same as--default-repo
(same as--enable-rpc
(same as--filename
(same as--force
(same as--insecure-registry
(same as--kube-context
(same as--label
(same as--namespace
(same as--no-prune
(same as--no-prune-children
(same as--profile
(same as--render-only
(same as--rpc-http-port
(same as--rpc-port
(same as--skip-tests
(same as--tag
(same as--tail
(same as--toot
skaffold version
Print the version information
-o, --output={{.Version}}
: Format output with go-template. For full struct documentation, see
skaffold version [options]
Use "skaffold options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Env vars:
(same as--output