Skaffold pipeline

You can configure Skaffold with the Skaffold configuration file, skaffold.yaml. The configuration file should be placed in the root of your project directory; when you run the skaffold command, Skaffold will try to read the configuration file from the current directory.

skaffold.yaml consists of five different components:

Component Description
apiVersion The Skaffold API version you would like to use. The current API version is skaffold/v1beta18 .
kind The Skaffold configuration file has the kind Config.
build Specifies how Skaffold builds artifacts. You have control over what tool Skaffold can use, how Skaffold tags artifacts and how Skaffold pushes artifacts. Skaffold supports using local Docker daemon, Google Cloud Build, Kaniko, or Bazel to build artifacts. See Builders and Taggers for more information.
test Specifies how Skaffold tests artifacts. Skaffold supports container-structure-tests to test built artifacts. See Testers for more information.
deploy Specifies how Skaffold deploys artifacts. Skaffold supports using kubectl, helm, or kustomize to deploy artifacts. See Deployers for more information.
profiles Profile is a set of settings that, when activated, overrides the current configuration. You can use Profile to override the build, test and deploy sections.

You can learn more about the syntax of skaffold.yaml.

Last modified October 7, 2019: Rework splash page (ee3710b)